Why You Should Go On a Weight Loss Holiday

Updated: Jan 10

For those looking to shift that extra weight gained from unhealthy vices and bad habits or just simply unable to get rid of those last few pounds then a weight loss holiday could be the solution for you. You may have tried to lose weight at home but your personal and work life might be getting in the way of eating healthily and exercising as regularly you’d like leading to periods of yo-yo dieting.

Weight loss, diet and exercise don’t have to feel like hard work or be dull. Sometimes all we need is a little motivation and encouragement to get us back on track to our health and fitness goals. And what better way to do that than travelling to combine your slimming journey with some rest and relaxation away from home.

Whether you’re looking to lose weight through a destination spa retreat, detox holiday, fitness retreat or medical spa holiday, we’ve listed our top reasons for why you should book a weight loss holiday:

Increase motivation with professional support

Speaking to the experts on-site can help you to understand why you may have gained or are struggling to lose the extra weight. With lifestyle consultations and body composition analysis tests, the professional team will ensure that you will receive the right treatment and support for your slimming journey to be a success. You will also gain knowledge of new healthy habits to integrate into your lifestyle once you

You’ll be provided with all the necessary tools

You’ll be given a healthy meal plan and daily routine to follow as well as advice, guidance and often lectures so you can be educated and take your new knowledge home with you to be part of your daily life. Programmes also include treatments to promote weight loss and reduce the appearance of fat on the body from body sculpting treatments to lymphatic drainage massages to detoxifying wraps and scrubs.

The support of like-minded people

At the start of the programme, you might feel irritable due to the withdrawal symptoms, but the team will be on hand to motivate you and keep you inspired and on track. Some people also prefer to be in an environment surrounded by people with a similar mindset, rather than trying to avoid temptations alone.

Boost your mental and physical health wellbeing

There are usually group classes available from gentle walks in nature, to yoga and meditation and some retreats also encourage a digital detox by limiting WIFI and devices in public areas, allowing you to totally disconnect. By getting away from it all and escaping the stresses of modern-day life, your weight loss journey should leave you feeling truly rested and rejuvenated.

Simply just to relax and feel good about yourself

There’s no need to worry about what you need to cook or which area of your body you need to focus on. With a personalised weight loss plan set out for you with fitness activities, slimming spa treatments and delicious and nutritious meals, all you need to do is turn up to your appointments then sit back and enjoy the experience without having to think about anything else.

If you’re looking to make the weight loss process feel less stressful and interested in booking a weight loss holiday, discover our weight loss holidays and retreats here or call +44 (0)203 886 0082 and speak to one of our specialists who will help you find the best slimming holiday to suit your needs.