What To Do During Your Weekend of Self-Isolation

Updated: Mar 2, 2023

It’s the first weekend since we were told to practice social distancing and to self-isolate during the battle against Covid-19. Whilst we can all appreciate a duvet day, officially being restricted to leaving the house can easily lead to us going a bit stir crazy, especially if you’ve been cooped up inside working from home all week too.

However, this doesn’t mean we have to cancel our weekend plans and it’s a great time to focus on self-care and shorten your to-do list. So why not beat the boredom with our 6 top tips of things to do during self-isolation and you might even forget the C-word for a moment.

1. Have a pamper day

Self-care is important for your mental health, but we often end putting it to the bottom of the list to prioritise work and socialising. Enjoy some you-time with a face mask and bubble bath and settle down with that book that you’ve been meaning to read.

2. Learn a new skill

Is there something you’ve always wanted to do but just haven’t had the time to do so? Learn a language on Duo Lingo or pick up that instrument that’s been collecting dust in the corner and show off your new skills to your friends and colleagues once you’re out of self-isolation.

3. Catch up with your friends and family

Social connections are important for our mental health so why not set up a group videocall for a virtual meetup with your friends or family. With a face to face catch up and a cup of tea in hand, it might not be the real thing but it comes close.

4. Spring clean your home

Studies have shown that cleaning can relieve stress and anxiety, so why not take this time to dust those cobwebs, declutter your house and fill those bags for charity. You’ll enjoy a tidier and more organised environment which can also increase productivity when you’re working from home.

5. Workout

Exercise is important for both your physical and mental health but maybe your gym classes aren’t running for now. Gyms such as Barry’s Bootcamp or Kobox are living streaming workouts on their social media pages so all you need to do is log on at the set time. Or simply just turn up the music for dance session in your living room and get those endorphins going.

6. Have a Netflix binge

Now’s the perfect time to watch that series that your colleague recommended. Even better, you might even finish the whole series rather than having to wait a week for the next episode.