5 Ways to Beat Tiredness and Fatigue

Updated: Jan 15

In our fast-paced world, we’re overworked and over-scheduled so it’s understandable that we might start feeling the effects of the modern world.

Many of us might find that we’re feeling low in energy, sluggish and drained more often than not. It’s easy to assume that you might not be getting enough sleep but making simple changes to your diet and lifestyle can also stave those feelings of lethargy.

We’ve listed 5 ways to help you beat tiredness and fatigue and avoid those daytime energy slumps:

Make sure you're getting enough sleep

Let’s start with the obvious, how much sleep are you actually getting? 1 in 3 adults aren’t getting the recommended 7-9 hours a night. If you’re not getting enough shuteye, try going to sleep earlier feeling relaxed. Ditch the technology and try meditating or reading before you go to sleep. You can also try sleeping with earplugs and an eye mask to avoid any disturbances.

Cut down on caffeine

When you’re feeling tired, it’s easy to reach for the caffeine and energy drinks to stave off the fatigue but it’s important to remember that this is only a short term solution and you will feel even more tired once the caffeine is eliminated from the body and wears off. Try having herbal tea or decaffeinated versions of your favourite drinks and if you really can't go without that cup of coffee, try to avoid it from mid-afternoon onwards to ensure you’re able to wind down properly.

Exercise regularly

When you’re feeling tired, exercise is the last thing on your mind but studies show that regular exercise can reduce symptoms of tiredness, improve sleep quality, and release endorphins that naturally boost our energy levels. The majority of our time is spent at work, often in an office in a sedentary position, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t stay active. Set an alarm to make sure you go for a walk around the office every couple of hours or get off the bus a stop earlier and walk the rest of the way.

Ditch the booze

While alcohol can induce feelings of relaxation and sleepiness, it can also induce REM sleep and cause disrupted sleep. This means it might cause you to fall asleep quickly but, even if you slept for eight hours, you still won’t sleep as deeply and are likely to wake up feeling groggy.

Keep hydrated

Dehydration can drain your energy and harm the quality of your sleep itself by causing your mouth and nose to dry out, which can lead to snoring and hoarseness, and make you feel less alert the next day. Try to drink 2 litres of water gradually through the day but equally don’t consume all the water right before you go to sleep because you’ll be getting up to go to the toilet in the middle of the night.